Friday, May 21, 2010

To do, to do, to do

To Do Outside:  Updated May 25

Finish Planting the whole Garden and pray for sunshine.  Check.  still need to plant beans and tomatoes in a week.  Finally a nice day today

Put in second tier of strawberry beds  Been digging.  Need dearest to lay the ties.

Start first year pruning of espaliered fruit trees (replace dead apple with plum?)  Maybe only one tree still alive, how disappointing.  Placed posts, need to string wire

Fence around more Trampling, Stampeding livestock  This will be awhile.

Get rocks to rick-rack side of garden...plant herbs.  Made first load of rock, probably ten more loads.

Get grapes and raspberries....remember to start with the watering system first, you are not good at doing complicated watering routines when July comes...things sorta just end up dying...plan first

Keep watering new grassy areas (hopefully they come up)  I think we might have to start again, and just plant one area at a time.  They need to be constantly watered.

Design landscape for front knoll...good job getting all those rocks...thanks big muscle kids.  Now I have my big huge rock... thanks to dearest and a loader.

Make a clothes line. I can work on this today

Paint milk barn RED.  This will be great, and I already have the paint, from two years ago.

Paint picnic tables.  First unwindy day. (that will take a miracle)

That might be all the big projects for this drink lots of lemonade and read good books.


Linda said...

When you are done with all of your projects you can come and help the old folks. Just kidding. I think you have enough to do.

I think you are doing a wonderful job. Love you

Idaho Sutters said...

Good job with all of those. I will try not to distract you to much.